Thursday, October 15, 2009

I forgot to add these, Kobe and mom.

Just a few pics of Kobe and his cuteness. Some old ones and some of us recently at Nathaniel Greene Park :)

Exciting update... I, (Alli), have decided to go to nursing school!! I will be taking prereq's at OTC in the Spring, Summer, and Fall and if all goes as planned I will be enrolled in the accelerated nursing program in Spring 2011. I will be completed with school and be a registered RN by Spring 2012!! I finally feel like I am doing something that will make me happy and that I should have gone for in the first place. I am so incredibly lucky to have such a supportive husband. He is hoping to get this drafting internship he has applied for and be in a full-time drafting job by the time I start the nursing program! (I won't be able to work :( ) We are keeping our fingers crossed and saying a prayer that we get this grant-funded scholorship for the program of $10,000.  The only stipulation is that if I get it, I have to only go to school on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and I will be in school those three days for 8-12 hours. YIKES! I am okay with it though it it means $10,000. There is also a great program through Cox hospital and I will sign a promissory note and they will pay $2,500 a semester up to $10,000 for every year I work with them after I graduate. There are only two hospitals here so of course I will probably work at Cox anyways, it is a great deal!! James is finishing up his drafting degree next semester and he we are excited about this as well! Life is good, we are blessed. Cannot wait to see everyone for the Holidays!!

YAY, finally a home with just the three of us. Here are a few pics or our new home and our furniture. :) 

We have the sweetest landord and she lives with her 74 year old mother right next door to us! We did have a flea issue but it was taken care of promptly and Kobe is no longer miserable, or James for that matter. Bugs LOVE his blood... James had about 50 bites!!